0 to 2 months
- Has a strong grasp; Opens and closes fists.
- Brings hand to, or near mouth.
- Arm stretch out and hands open.
- Scratches fingers along blanket or clothing.
- Looks toward outstretched hand.
3 to 5 months
- Holds a toy when placed in hand.
- Uses arms to purposely swing at toys.
- Brings hand to mouth consistently.
- Pushes up onto elbows/forearms when on tummy.
6 months
- Consistently, purposeful reach using vision to guide movement.
- Transfers object hand to hand.
- Finger feeds large foods (e.g. biscuit).
7 to 9 months
- Plays using arms (Peek-A-Boo; So Big!).
- Index finger use to “poke”.
- Raking cereal with fingers to grasp.
- Purposeful grasp and release of objects into containers.
- Grasp on thumb side of hand.
10 to 12 months
- Grasps with thumb and 2 fingers.
- Pincer grasp develops; picking up cereal/objects with thumb and index finger.
- Imitates tool use (e.g. brushing hair, using a toothbrush).
- Uses hands to push, squeeze, and rotate.
- Removes socks.
- Stacks blocks; may not balance them.
12 to 18 months
- Removes peg from a pegboard.
- Puts rings on a ring stand.
- Scribbles with a crayon using whole hand.
- Begins to stack small blocks.
- Turns pages of a book.
- Self feeds using hands or utensils.
- Points with index finger.
- Brings hands to midline for use.
18 to 24 months
- Stacks 2-6 small blocks.
- Can turn door knobs.
- Completes 3 piece puzzle.
- Starts to snip with scissors.
- Opens and closes twist-on lids.
- Can string large beads.
- Uses spoon.
- Imitates stroke on paper with whole arm movements.
3 Year Olds (36 to 47 months)
- Copies vertical and horizontal lines using thumb and fingers more.
- Cuts paper in half.
- Beginning to cut in wide lines.
- Strings beans onto lace.
- Sorts objects based on color, size, etc.
- Fastens (and possibly unfastens) large buttons.
4 Year Olds (48 to 59 months)
- Copies circle, cross, X, and square using emerging 3 or 4 finger grasp.
- Fastens and unfastens large buttons.
- Shows interest in coloring.
- Cuts along a line.
- Completes a 4 or 5 piece puzzle.
- Uses fork correctly.
Dresses and Undresses (except for fasteners).
5 Years Old (60 to 72 months)
- Shows hand dominance.
- Grasps pencil maturely (using 3 or 4 fingers to move utensil with hand rather than with whole arm).
- Copies a triangle.
- Cuts out a circle.
- Can draw a person with several body parts.
- Colors inside the lines.